🎉 The design was handed off to the Dev team in December 2022 and was launched in the second quarter of 2023.

Click on the Sanofi page for My Dose Coach.

Introduction to My Dose Coach at Sanofi

Introduction to My Dose Coach at Sanofi


UX Designer

(Team of two)




12 weeks





My Dose Coachâ„¢ is an innovative application tailored for adults with type 2 diabetes, facilitating the management of daily long-acting basal insulin doses. This empowers patients to monitor their fasting blood glucose levels accurately and adjust their insulin doses according to the plan set by their healthcare provider, aiming for their target glucose level.

Our redesign focuses on the healthcare providers' platform, where critical patient data from the My Dose Coachâ„¢ app is centralized.


Enhance the platform's interface, making the data transfer more intuitive and the information more accessible, thereby streamlining the decision-making process for healthcare professionals.

Improve My Dose Coach health care provider (HCP) Portal experience - to gauge the ability to increase participation of HCPs in the program.


Understand the problems

How does the data transfer from the My Dose app to the HCP platform

Firstly, we need to understand how the data was transferred from the My Dose App to the HCP Portal, so we draw the below chart to understand the whole process from the user interaction with the app and the open window from them to enter the data to be transferred into the HCP portal.

Data transfer process diagram

User needs + Business needs = Value

Problems for the users

  1. Difficulty in quickly identifying patients requiring action due to insufficient visual cues.
  2. The ineffective use of color as a pre-attentive attribute in data visualization is confusing.
  3. Lack of options to customize time ranges or view specific dates in chronological data displays.
  4. Absence of critical trend data, such as FBG, hypoglycemia frequency, or recommended dose in table format, hampers prompt decision-making.

Problems for the business

  1. HCPs found the platform difficult to use, which could erode trust in both the platform and the company's reputation in healthcare.
  2. Additionally, the extended time required to navigate the platform and understand patients' status reduces their willingness to continue using it, contributing to a higher drop-off rate for MyDose Coach.

Current Site of the Health Care Provider Platform

Current site screenshot 1 Current site screenshot 2 Current site screenshot 3

Competitor landscape

In examining competitors' landscape, it's crucial to understand their features and offerings. We gain insights into industry trends and user expectations by delving into their offerings.

Below is the Competitor analysis:

Competitor analysis 1 Competitor analysis 2 Competitor analysis 3 Competitor analysis 4


After a comprehensive analysis of our current design, we have identified below opportunities to drive the design. We aim to enhance user experience and empower healthcare providers (HCPs) with efficient tools for managing patient records and making informed decisions.

Multiple device options icon

Anytime and anywhere portal in multiple device options

The flexible and intuitive end-to-end user journeys in multiple devices, with easily accessible key information and simple smart tools & tips to dig deep into the values of patients' records and history.

Data visualization icon

Enhance data visualization of patient record

Each patient record should be in detail, yet comprehensive and easily followed with visually enhanced presentations, such as graphs and charts in color.

Single window icon

Single window of insight and action for HCPs at the clinic level

Consolidate and visualize all data in instant overviews, enabling our HCPs to make quick, informed decisions.

Key Enhancements

Below are several enhancements compared to the previous design, addressing the pain points of our HCPs and issues on the current platform. These improvements signify a significant stride in usability and functionality, poised to streamline workflows and elevate user satisfaction.

Improved patient overview dashboard


Mobile design - Patient List Mobile design - Patient Details Mobile design - Data Analysis